Saye dan SURIAfm turut menyokong Earth Hour dan sama-sama kite jaga alam sekitar kite dgn mengurangkan pemanasan global... jadi, pada 28 Mac 2009, bermula dari pukul 8.30 malam sehingga 9.30 malam, jom ramai-ramai padamkan lampu seketika hanya untuk satu jam... tak lama pun kan? tapi masa tu kitorg kat sg. petani, kedah untuk roadtour lelong amal SURIAfm. harap-harap org kedah pun ambil serius benda ni dan padamkan lampu untuk 60 minit... kalau tak, zaff yang akan tegur diorg... hehehehe... korg macam mana? berani tak ingatkan org lain untuk tutup lampu? kalau korg berani, zaff sayang korg!!!!sedikit info tentang Earth Hour... last year hanya satu bandar yang terlibat iaitu Sidney, Australia. tahun ini, setakat blog ini ditulis, ada 82 negara, lebih 2,100 bandar serta 1 juta penyokong dan undian cuba ditarik untuk menyertai kempen ini. adakah anda salah seorang daripadanya?
* untuk menyokong dan mendaftar, layari* keterangan lanjut, zaff dah mendaftar... :)
jangan buat2 lupa pulak ye ttp lampu mlm nie...
kalo x nanti cheq piat telinga...hahahahaha...
b gud..
Zaff,since u punya blog ni popular, u can suggest to your reader to become more environment conscious after earth hour ends..some of the ways:
1. Recycling: papers (even receipts, cans, plastics which u can separate at work & at
home.(do u do that?)..Dont people feel guilty throwing papers to the bins? Even boxes, ie:tissue box, biscuit and apa-apa lah
2. Reduce the usage of paper: people tend to suka-suka print @ write on fresh new papers when it is possible to reuse any papers on the opposite side
3. Use natural light: Especially kat office, dah terang pun nak switch on lampu lagi.
dan banyak lagi..tapi these are some of the ways that we can start off with. sebab i see (& get pissed with) a lot of people, celebrities/personalities, corporations & leaders who support earth hour which they think is a COOL thing to do but dont understand the whole purpose behind it. but does that mean by switching off the lights for 1 hour u have played ur part in conserving the environment n will make a huge different for the environment?
anybody can answer?
I so totally agree with u..every paper comes from a guys, try to do ur best especially in recycling....Zaff, earth hour dah lepas, dah start recycling?
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